Embedded Artistry Framework
Embedded Systems C++ Framework
Embedded Artistry's Embedded Virtual Machine

Table of Contents

  1. About the Embedded Virtual Machine
  2. Documentation Overview
  3. Getting Started
    1. Dependencies
      1. git-lfs
      2. meson
      3. adr-tools
    2. Getting the Source
    3. Building the Framework
      1. Listing Targets
      2. Cross-compilation
      3. Debug vs Release
    4. Building Documentation
    5. Running Tests
    6. Running Static Analysis
    7. Running Demo Applications
    8. Building Your Own Framework Program
  4. Build Configuration Options
  5. Formatting
  6. Release Process
  1. Need Help?
  2. Authors
  3. License
  4. Acknowledgments

About the Embedded Virtual Machine

Documentation Overview

  • The Glossary contains definitions for concepts used in the documentation and code
  • The Software Inventory contains a list of all open source projects included in this framework, with version numbers and licensing information
  • The Development/ folder contains guidelines for developers who are building framework components:
    • Developer Guide contains guidelines for developers working on the project
    • C++ Guidelines contains guidelines for the C++ code used in the framework
    • Documentation Guidelines clarify documentation practices for framework modules
    • Error Model describes the framework's approach to error handling
    • Namespaces.xlsx contains a list of namespaces defined by the framework
    • Refactoring provides guidelines for cleaning up existing code
    • The Patterns/ directory contains notes about patterns used throughout the framework
    • The References/ directory contains useful references for developers

Getting Started

  1. Dependencies
    1. git-lfs
    2. meson
  2. Building the Framework
  3. Building Documentation
  1. Running Tests
  2. Running Demo Applications
  3. Building Your Own Framework Program


The primary requirements for building the framework are:

  • meson (build system)
  • A C++17-capable compiler for the host machine (simulator applications and tests)
  • A C++17-capable compiler for the target machine

For access to the full framework documentation, you will need git-lfs.

A variety of support tools are used by the framework for testing and static analysis:

  • lizard (ccc)
  • brew install gcovr (code coverage)
  • unittest-cpp (to run ETL unit tests)
  • cmocka (to run libmemory and libc unit tests)

To develop for the framework, you will need:


This repository requires git-lfs. If you do not have this installed, please visit the git-lfs web page.

If you cloned this repository before installing git-lfs, please run git lfs pull. Otherwise clone will automatically perform a git lfs pull.


This repository builds with meson, which requires Python 3 and Ninja.

To install on Linux:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip ninja-build

To install on OS X:

brew install python3 ninja

Meson can be installed through pip3:

pip3 install meson

If you want to install Meson globally on Linux, use:

sudo -H pip3 install meson


This repository uses Architecture Decision Records. Please install adr-tools to contribute to architecture decisions.

If you are using OSX, you can install adr-tools through Homebrew:

brew install adr-tools

If you are using Windows or Linux, please install adr-tools via GitHub.



Supporting Tools

  • lizard (ccc)
  • brew install gcovr (code coverage)
  • clang-format
  • cmocka (for some framework tests)
  • vale
  • Doxygen
  • cppcheck
  • clang-analyze

Getting the Source

This project uses git-lfs, so please install it before cloning. If you cloned prior to installing git-lfs, simply run git lfs pull after installation.

This project is [hosted on GitHub][8]. You can clone the project directly using this command:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:embeddedartistry/libc.git

Building the Framework

To build all framework components, you can run make at the project root. All build output will be placed in the buildresults folder by default.

You can specify another build output folder for use with meson. You can invoke the build using:

$ meson your-buildresult-folder [options]
$ meson arm_build --buildtype release --cross-file build/cross/gcc/arm/gcc_arm_cortex-m4.txt

Depending on the target architecture and its supported functionality, some items may need to be disabled. For example, this command disables threading and std::chrono:

meson buildresults --cross-file build/cross/gcc/arm/gcc_arm_cortex-m4.txt -Dlibcxx-enable-chrono=false -Denable-threading=false

You can enable threading support with an RTOS and the C++ standard library using the libcxx-thread-library and os-header-path options. os-header-path is specified relative to the libcpp directory.

meson buildresults --cross-file build/cross/gcc/arm/gcc_arm_cortex-m4.txt -Dlibcxx-thread-library=threadx -Duse-ea-libc=true -Dos-header-path=../../os/threadx/include

Once the directory has been created by meson, you can build all targets with make:

$ make

Individual targets can be built within the buildresults folder:

06:36:30 libcpp$ cd buildresults/
06:37:18 buildresults$ ninja libc++.a
[5/5] Generating install-cpp-headers with a custom command.

Listing Targets


Example cross-compilation:

meson buildresults --cross-file build/cross/gcc/arm/gcc_arm_cortex-m4.txt

Debug vs Release

By default, the project is configured to generate release builds. This means that debug symbols are not provided. The default optimization level for the framework is -O2.

To build a debug variant, you will need to manually configure the meson project and use the --debug option. You may also optionally set the --optimization option to g for an optimized debug build.

meson buildresults --debug --optimization g

Building Documentation

To generate the Doxygen documentation, run make docs at the project root. Documentation will be placed into buildresults/documentation/html. You can open index.html to access the document root.

Running Tests

The framework uses Catch for unit testing. Some dependencies use CMocka. If CMocka is not installed on your system, the tests will not be built or run.

To run the framework tests and print the results to console:

$ make test-framework

To run all the framework unit tests:

$ make test
1/4 libmemory / libmemory_freelist_tests OK 0.02 s
2/4 libc / printf_tests OK 0.02 s
3/4 libc / libc_tests OK 0.07 s
4/4 Framework / framework_tests OK 0.17 s
OK: 4

Test results for the framework will be output into buildresults/framework_tests.xml. Module test results will be found in buildresults/test.

Running Static Analysis


Running Demo Applications


Building Your Own Framework Program


Build Configuration Options

Our meson build can be configured in a variety of the ways through.


By default, the framework is built in release mode. To enable a debug build, you must supply the meson configuration option --debug.

meson buildresults --debug --optimization g


The optimization level for the framework defaults to -O2.

To modify the optimization level, you must supply the meson configuration option --optimization.

meson buildresults --debug --optimization g
meson buildresults --debug --optimization 1

Vendor SDK Path

Your project may need a vendor SDK, especially for migratory purposes. You can use the vendor-sdk-path option to provide a path to this SDK:

option('vendor-sdk-path', type: 'string', value: '')

The vendor SDK path is relative to where the binaries are declared, or where the path is first used. This is not relative to the top level of the framework. This can be confusing.

So if you are at:


And the SDK is at:


And the binary build folder where you use the SDK is at:


Then you need to use this path:


Here's an example invocation using the NRF52 SDK:

meson buildresults --cross-file=build/cross/gcc/arm/nrf52840.txt -Dvendor-sdk-path=../../../../../../Downloads/nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345


This repository enforces formatting using clang-format.

You can auto-format your code to match the style guidelines by issuing the following command:

make format

Formatting is enforced by the Jenkins build server which runs continuous integration for this project. Your pull request will not be accepted if the formatting check fails.

Release Process

Need Help?

If you need further assistance or have any questions, please file a GitHub Issue or send us an email using the Embedded Artistry Contact Form.

You can also reach out on Twitter: mbeddedartistry.



The framework is Copyright © 2018 Embedded Artistry LLC.


A full list of open source modules and their licenses can be found in the Software Inventory.


I would like to thank the following individuals for their direct contributions to this project:

  • Rozi Harris, who has tirelessly listened to ideas, reviewed the framework architecture, and edited documentation

I would like to thank the following individuals for their inspiration on this project:

  • Ruth Malan, who inspired the architecture documentation and process
  • James Grenning, who taught me the value of Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Jerry Fitzpatrick, who inspired many of the guidelines and practices that were used to build this framework

I would like to thank the following individuals for the open source libraries that have been incorporated into this framework: